Translation review: [Eveyuu] Sankarea 01

This is the EveTaku release I mentioned in the AniBlaze review. It’s the same translator, so I guess it’s the very same script checked and properly edited. They take their time doing it, so I expect high quality.


I like how discreet the karaoke animation is, and the translation is really good too.

This line allows a lot of liberty for the translation, and Eveyuu handled it quite well.

I don’t like the way this sentence is phrased. The “that’s the case” breaks its flow completely.

“Break down” is a great phrase choice here.


“Hey there” is totally out of character.

Missing honorific. Keep it consistent, guys.

Considering the level of the script I’ll point this out (I didn’t in other releases): they had “art of resurrection” for 蘇生術 (souseijutsu) when he was describing the notebook, and just “resurrection” here.

This line is totally misheard and thus mistranslated. I don’t know how can this happen when you have closed captions for the show and you take two days for the release.


Conclusion: Great

There was just that one unreasonable mistranslation I pointed out, otherwise the script is great. It’s almost as well edited as Commie’s, and considering how the translation is way more accurate in this release, if you don’t mind waiting and seeing (some) honorifics in the subs, then this release is your choice.

This entry was posted by Vale.

2 thoughts on “Translation review: [Eveyuu] Sankarea 01

  1. Oh, whoops. That was silly of me. Went by instinct, didn’t even check the CCs for that line.

    • It’s my theory that every fansub release has a CSM (compulsory stupid mistake) in it.
      I’ll review ep 2 for Eveyuu, Hatsuyuki and Commie, so I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys pull off next week. Take good care of Rekyu too

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