Translation review: [Commie] Tamako Market 02 This entry was posted by Vale.
Fiction notice translated. These notes are funny (it was there in Hyouka and Chuuni too) because Kyoani uses real locations for their scenery.
There really isn’t much to complain about here.
I like the phrasing of the bird’s lines.
Not typeset.
It’s not about the scale or level of the plans. “You’re forgetting the whole point of Valentine’s.”
“I don’t care!” isn’t what you say in this situation, is it?
I’m surprised that the bath’s name isn’t translated. It makes sense though if you consider that the place is called Usagiyama, and place names aren’t usually translated.
Arrange beef in heart shape.
This line made me laugh out loud.
“Hare” is responsible for the bunny puns in this release.
She’s refuting his first suggestion that she’d be in an emotional crisis at all, not that she’d fallen for him.
The French song is done. Great.
“We’re not doing it if you laugh at it so much!”
The show is full of bird and mochi puns (bunnies too). I appreciate it that the Commie people tried to keep them in the English too.
‘s good.
Conclusion: Great
Accuracy: 8/10; Flow: 9/10; Atmosphere: 9/10
While there are some minor problems, the effort put into the English of the script and the puns make those pretty much irrelevant in the scope of the release. There are no honorifics, and everything except for the place names (Usagiyama etc) are translated. The French song is translated too, for which Commie deserves extra kudos. Love is in the air!