Joshiraku 07 – notes and the like

It’s that time again. By the way, last week I actually went to a rakugo theater in Asakusa (Tokyo) – it was fun, but it didn’t blow me away.

This was the first episode where I had to use the full power of my 2ch-fu. Usually I check the Kumetan wiki for references, but recently there are hardly any explanations there the time I translate (a lot more a week later though), so I had to secure other info sources for obscure references.

She says pentathlon in “English”, but since that’s what it’s called in English anyway, it turned into this sentence.

Knight Scoop is a variety show on ABC.

Read up.

I’m kind of happy this anime isn’t about dem plots. She twists the phrase 夢も希望もない (yume mo kibou mo nai, no hopes or dreams) (replacing 希望 with 智謀 chibou). By the way, that was Merry’s catchphrase from the Yumekui anime/manga.

Oh this was difficult. First thing is that “late to be married” and “never get married” only differ in one syllable. Second is that the word that literally means widow (後家 goke), which is by the way considered inappropriate and thus gets censored, so this word and the word for “moss” (苔 koke) are practically homophones. Third is that green tea powder looks like moss.

Kids’ chant.

I wanted to put some Hulk jokes in here, but it just didn’t work.

Japanese Culture Class #13: Biker Gangs. Back in the days of Japan’s economic boom, biker gangs were the punks of society. They used crazy kanji to write the simplest things, simply by substituting the readings randomly (not by meaning). This is how for example the simple word of omuraisu (omelette rice), usually written with katakana, would become 悪霧雷州 (read the same way). I personally love writing like this (and the whole biker culture as a whole too). The girls’ names are puns in a very similar fashion.

They speak clear and understandable Japanese, only the text bubbles are written in misfit script. Using a weird font was the only feasible way to get the feel across in the subs. For those who care (or just love this style like I do), here’s the dialog in misfit script (with reading cheat sheet):

餌?! e?!
鵡離牙亜留世 muri ga aru yo
都部虚部尉哭津尉悪麗駝妬雄離荷洲麗羽医院駄世 tsubekobe iwazu iwareta toori ni sureba iin da yo
魔梨威産差素画衣医可多賀弧名霊邸流 marii-san sasuga iikata ga konareteiru
亜駝利摩枝惰露 atarimae daro
出喪一寸無図香死医 demo chotto muzukashii
奇阿威堕世奇阿威 kiai da yo kiai
底歯腑痛荷気合弟藻医院闍迺?廡痢尼冠辞娃弖啼手茂 soko wa futsuu ni “kiai” de mo ii ja nai? muri ni kanji atenakute mo
葉亞?! haa?!
啝伽漓煮傴幃哥薇 wakarinikui kara

She’s referring to the same song as in the bunny episode, Again, she’d be better off without it. In the song they break the windows, not clean them.

League of Legends.

  • 聖剣伝説 (seiken densetsu), officially translated as the Secret of Mana, a game
  • 銀河英雄伝説 (ginga eiyuu densetsu), a sci-fi series
  • 銀河お嬢様伝説ユナ (ginga ojousama densetsu), officially translated as Galactic Freulein Yuna, a game-anime-etc franchise
  • 白鯨伝説 (hakugei densetsu), a Japanese cover of Moby Dick

That’s yaoi for you.

You think I’m trolling, but I’m not. She’s referring to one of the many cases when internet users got tracked and identified (not unlike the recent case of the guy standing on the Burger King’s lettuce).

I had to add the element of “tower” somehow to make this work. The Japanese phrase 箱入り娘 (hakoiri musume) literally translates to “girl in a box”, but it means a girl treasured by her family.

変わり雛 (kawari-bina), literally “weird Hina” refers back to the Hina dolls earlier, and it means something weird and grotesque. Gankyou comments that this Hina’s Emperor is missing.

The Tsukiji fish market is quite famous. If you go to Tokyo as a tourist, chances are you’ll have an early morning trip there too.

Marii is the Mouse Man here from Gegege no Onitarou.

The first half is from the Kani Douraku restaurant chain’s advert, the second half is a reference to Hotel Sun Hatoya, which has a famous service like that (the more fish you catch the cheaper it gets).

Yep, that’s you.

Refers to the assassination attempt against Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich in 1891. Side note: Otsu is the capital of the prefecture I live in.

Reference to the guy with a flamethrower in Fist of the North Star.

Fish Story is a really nice novel by Isaka Koutarou. Totally worth reading.

Asou Tarou. He reportedly likes Rozen Maiden. Also, he’s reading Golgo 13.

Supercars symbolized by the Supercar erasers from the ’80s.

Do you recognize them? I don’t…


Tokyo governor Ishihara Shintarou wants to move the Tsukiji market to Toyosu, but the governing party opposes the idea, so there’s quite a debate going on about it.

Oh look. (Can you spot it?)

鰻 is the actual kanji for “eel”. Though it’s seldom used – no one really bothers to learn all those fish kanji.

Nagashima Shigeo’s quite weird explanation. He was a pro baseball player and the manager of Yomiuri Giants.

The Drake Passage is considered the stormiest sea. You may know the phrase 波乱万丈 (haran-banjou, a very stormy life) from the ending’s lyrics.

Those are considered difficult kanji in general. The three in order: 薔薇 bara, 瑠璃 ruri, 躑躅 tsutsuji.

Sazae-san’s ending.

Reference to a real ad.

I don’t know if he’s intended to resemble any sumo wrestler in particular.

That’s exactly what’s happening to TEPCO.

Professional speaker brands.

Hi there, Doraemon.


On his shirt is the mascot of the SZS web radio broadcast.

Reference to a scene in Blade Runner.

This entry was posted by Vale.

23 thoughts on “Joshiraku 07 – notes and the like

  1. I thank you so very much for the effort of researching and translating the jokes, Vale. Also, the way they write as biker gangs really looks awesome. Do they use a set number of kanjis that translate to each syllable or do they use more than just the usual kana amounts? Do they have a set alphabet to write in such a way?

  2. I love they referenced both Blade Runner & the book it’s loosely based off. That’s a sign of obscure shout outs.

  3. Thanks for the notes. BTW, any idea as to why the ED always starts at 22:10 but it’s never marked in the chapters?

    • Because by default chapters are only set at the points where ads are cut out of the show and the encoder probably has not bothered setting a fake trim at the start of the ED to put a chapter there too.

    • Also, I’m fairly sure there is no Porsche badged Carrera 2 Turbo. You either got a Carrera 2 or a Turbo. Stupid chicks don’t even know their cars.

  4. The official OP lyrics has a phrase 表の裏
    I don’t know kanji but that hiragana in the middle is “no”, right? The romaji phrase in the episode is omote mo ura, is that a typo?

    • most (all) sub groups do OP and ED by ear since official translation don’t come out until the actual singles are released, or from any other official sources (but most of the time singles).

  5. Also, please do a full translation for the OP lyrics, or ED too if possible 🙁

    A mere mortal like me with shit weeaboo japanese can’t hope to comprehend most of what it says in the coming year, lots of difficult kanjis and so willing to learn (;_;)rz

    m(_ _)mmmmm (涙)

  6. Might be worth noting that some of the writing on the wall reads, “絶望” and “危険” (though the last character was written like “除”). I couldn’t understand the rest.

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