Translation review: [Commie] Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru 02 This entry was posted by Vale.
Rather “solitary animal”.
The songs are SNIG (situation normal: it’s good).
Maybe “competition” instead of “battle”.
“If I’d have to pay attention to what I say like that to get a life,”
“I mean, I won’t be around at all during lunch break, so I can’t really…” Also, “don’t got”?
This phrase (私ごとで恐縮ですが) is a pain in the ass to handle (since it’s a pretty much meaningless expression of humility), but I definitely wouldn’t use “offer” here.
I’d try to squeeze “tear each other apart” in there.
Love this line. Just love it.
She’s saying that they’re not forcing themselves to adapt to the other, they just “fit” together.
There flies a joke.
Worst possible timing to go literal. “Look at that.”
“Were you listening?”
Would a girl like her really say “dude”?
Way too long.
Uh… “companion” =/= “compatriot” as far as I know…
I get it you’re doing it for the atmosphere, but he fancies himself a “swordmaster”, and swordsmen typically die by the sword and not by lightning.
I’d rather call it Muromachi shogunate. First, that’s what he says. Second, changing it to Ashikaga, while historically correct, makes the word appear twice in half a sentence.
Why not mask out the left page too?
Yeah, the joke here’d be exactly that he messes up the word.
Please, no.
Joke lost unless you can read the kanji for yourself.
I see what you did there.
Conclusion: Good
Accuracy: 8/10; Flow: 7/10; Atmosphere: 8/10
Well now. I did post lots of screenshot to complain about, but most of them are nitpicking. When it comes to this kind of a script though, that’s all there is. The editing has its ups and downs, and the translation sometimes swings too far into the extremities of the liberal-literal scale. It’s the amount of lines I could complain about that robs the release of the “great” title. The release is not perfect, but unless some other group works miracles and actually releases something really great, Commie’s one is a safe choice to go with.
Will you also review GotLag?
when/if they release episode 2