Robotics;Notes 01 – notes and the like

Doing this show for WhyNot.


Translation review: [Aho-Taku] Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 01

Last in the Sakurasou line was by the joint of EveTaku and Ahodomo. They sure took their time.


Chuunibyou 02 – notes and the like

Translation review: [AraAraUfufu~] Sukitte Iina yo 01

Remember that guy who tried his hands at soloing Eureka 7 AO? Apparently he recruited some more members and AraAraUfufu~ turned into a group (since then I found out where the group name comes from too). Now that E7AO is practically over, they started doing Sukitte Iina yo too.


Translation review: [Oyatsu] Sukitte Iina yo