Translation review: [Hadena] Tamako Market 02 This entry was posted by Vale.
The timing and the styling make half the lines unreadable.
Just skip that opening.
It “blooms forth” indeed.
Apparently some years spring just doesn’t come.
Oh, it ‘s sold out! Now I get it!
Because selling cakes is the best way for teenage girls to cheer up.
It’s called blushing.
It’s Sayuri, not Saori. Bunny Bath (usa-yu) is the name of the establishment, so it should be capitalized.
Just two lines earlier “Tama-chan” is changed to “Tamako”.
I watch Hadena for the TL notes.
I must admit I like this one.
“I’ll give discounts to couples in the season.” Also, scene bleed.
Not croquettes, beef. And not make it shaped like hearts, just arrange meat in heart shapes.
Indeed it is.
Usa usa pyon pyon.
Hammer = scrap yard. Don’t forget this.
Hadena: inventing Japanese honorifics since 2013.
French song ignored.
“We’re not doing it if you laugh at it so much.”
TL note: tori means bird.
Surprisingly well done.
Conclusion: Avoid
Accuracy: 5/10; Flow: 6/10; Atmosphere: 5/10
Quite a significant number of translation errors, hilarious inconsistencies and Hadena “English” are what this release holds for you.