Translation review: [Commie] Senran Kagura 01 This entry was posted by Vale.
It’s Naruto time.
Why not just “got it”?
The opening translation sounds fine to me. The effects of the lines changing are really neat too.
The ship’s loudspeaker’s lines are not translated here.
A bit too simplified.
I’m disappointed that the calligraphy on the wall isn’t translated.
It’s the official name of the girls’ faculty. 内閣特務諜報部諜報一課付特殊機密諜報員養成所 is the full name (as written on the official site). It’s over-simplified in the English.
“Superhuman” just doesn’t say enough.
I guess… Though I don’t see why it’s necessary.
Not school trip, off-campus class.
Granddaughter. Asuka’s grandfather is a legendary ninja.
It was really hard to concentrate on the lyrics for obvious (visual) reasons. Either way, there were no “mistakes” that couldn’t be explained as poetry.
Conclusion: Okay
Accuracy: 7/10; Flow: 7/10; Atmosphere: 7/10
There are a number of mistranslations and over-simplified lines, and especially in the first half the script reads derpy. Though I don’t know how relevant this review is at all, considering that Commie uses the latecast translation from episode 2 on.
The only thing I regret about dropping this anime is now I won’t be able to see possible Naruto references