Translation review: [Underwater-FFF] No Game No Life 02 This entry was posted by Vale.
Can’t even think? Where did that come from?
I don’t think “conservative” is the right word here.
Talk about awkward phrasing.
Scratch that “only”.
I’d say this is too literal here.
Don’t like the way this and the next line are handled.
I’d have expected something better for this.
Illegal why? I don’t see a reason to remove “child porn” from this line.
I thought this was a release by Typesetting Masters Inc. I guess I was wrong.
For a moment this made me wonder if he’s saying that Steph isn’t human.
Not ない but 何位. “What rank is Imanity?”
No. “Our spoken language is the same, so it was easy.”
Conclusion: not bad
Accuracy: 7/10; Flow: 7/10; Atmosphere: 7/10
A decent release, but honestly I expected much better from something tagged Underwater-FFF.